Haute Diggity Dog is the original designer parody plush dog toy company.
AK Bark Fireweed is proud to carry Haute Diggity Dog in Anchorage, Alaska. The Haute Diggity Dog line of plush dog toys grew to include popular parody toys including Manalo Barknik, Tory Bark, Pawda, Arfsolut, Kennel One, Dog Perignonn , Grrrona, Puptron, Furcedes, Starbarks, & many more! You can count on Haute Diggity Dog to bring you the most stylish & sophisticated toys, beds, and accessories for your four-legged friend.
Muttini Bar Collection
- Cosmuttpolitan
- Dog Perignonn Champagne Toy
- Furball
Come visit our local pet supply store in Anchorage, AK specializing in high quality treats and supplies for cats and dogs.