Pet Wellness Inside and Out

AK Bark Fireweed is proud to carry King Kanine in Anchorage, Alaska. At King Kanine, our love for our pets and the knowledge that others out there feel the same way we do about theirs is what motivates us. This love and passion have driven us to create innovative products for pets aimed at providing owners with all-natural alternatives that promote health and well-being in their pets. Our progressive ideas and deep-rooted passion for improving the lives of pets are the foundation for all King Kanine products and what drives and motivates us to be trailblazers in the pet industry.
Supplements for Pets:
- CBD Supplements: King Kalm CBD, King Calm Crunch, King Kalm Balm, King Kalm Smoothie
Grooming Products for Pets:
- Pet Grooming Products: Complete Shed Management
Come visit our local pet supply store in Anchorage, AK specializing in high quality treats and supplies for cats and dogs.